Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Louisas' Preemie Bunting

> For this pattern I used baby yarn and an f hook,
You will need a main color and a trim color.
Fits 2-3 lbs
With MC, CH 36
Row 1: DC in 3rd CH from hook. DC in next 4 CH. 3 DC in
next CH (shell made). DC in next 7 CH. Shell in next CH. DC
in next 7 CH. Shell in next CH. DC in next 7 CH. Shell in
next CH. DC to end. CH 3 turn.
Row 2: DC in each DC. Work shell in center ST of each shell
across CH 3 turn.
Row 3: Repeat Row 2
Row 4: DC in each DC to center ST of first shell. Skip all
DC until 2nd shell. DC in center ST of second shell.DC in
each DC to center ST of 3rd shell skip all DC until 4th
shell. DC in center ST of 4th shell and in each remaining DC
across. CH 3
Row 5: DC across chain 3 turn.
Row 6: 2 DC in first ST (first shell made). *Skip 1 DC,
shell in next DC* Repeat from * across. do not CH 3. turn.
Row 7: Slip ST to center ST of first shell. CH 3. 2
DC in same ST. (first shell made) shell in center ST of each
shell across, turn.
Row 8-9: Repeat Row 7
Row 10: Work pattern as for Row 7 but at end of row, join
with slip ST to beginning shell of row. CH 3 turn
Row 11-21: Repeat Row 10
Row 22: DC in each DC across. Finish off.

Row 1: Attach MC to under arm* CH 3, DC around, join with
slip ST. CH 3 turn
Row 2-4: Repeat Row 1 from *. Finish off repeat for other

Front opening:
With MC join to bottom left of opening CH 3. Work evenly up
to neckline, finish off.

Row 1: Attach MC to left front corner of neckline, CH 3. *
DC around neck to right front neck corner, CH 3 turn.
Row 2-8: Repeat from *. finish off

together top seam of hood.

Join TC to bottom of front opening DC row. SC up opening
and around neck opening and hood, down right side of
opening. finish off

Attach TC to DC row at bottom of garment. CH 3, DC around,
join with slip ST. finish off

With MC chain 70, finish off. Weave through MC DC row at
bottom, pull closed and tie in a bow.

Make another, weave through first row of neck and tie in
the front.
CH 25 and finish off, twice. Attach ties half way up front
opening. The left one attached to the trim, the right one
attached 1.5 inches over from the trim. Tie in a bow.
Or, use ribbon.

Pattern Created by: Louisa Capell 2011
This Pattern is created for "Gods Tiny Angels" and is to be used for Charity ONLY. No selling of finished objects on EBAY!!
Copyright Louisa Capell


  1. What a beautiful pattern! Thanks for sharing!

  2. What a lovely blog!!! I love crocheting, and I'll try out some of your patterns for my little dauhgters dolls. I live in Norway, and I have never tried an english pattern before, hope I manage it :0)
    Big hug from Gunn-Hege

  3. I just found your blog and love the free patterns. I am sorry to hear of the woman who sold the pattern on ebay. That is terrible. You are so kind to post the patterns and then someone had the nerve to steal it. I do love your site and crochet for the hospital in Arkansas. Thank you for such lovely patterns.

  4. this is beautiful. so appreciate you sharing.

  5. Thank you so very much for this pattern. My daughter gave birth at 36 weeks to a sweet little angel that stayed here with us only an hour. We had known this would probably be the case for a couple of months now. Because of the medical problem he endured he was quite thin and because of your generosity in sharing this pattern, I was able to make this for him to be laid to rest. It is a tender time for our family, and your kindness is so appreciated.

  6. Beautiful!..expecting a baby in the family..this is perfect!..thanks for an awesome blog & sharing xx
